#436114 Video Friday: Transferring Human Motion ...Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your Automaton bloggers. We’ll also be posting a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months; here’s what we have so far (send us your events!): ARSO 2019 – October 31-1, 2019 – Beijing, ChinaROSCon 2019 – October 31-1, 2019 – MacauIROS 2019 – November 4-8, 2019 – MacauLet us know if you have suggestions for next week, and enjoy today’s videos. We are very sad to say that MIT professor emeritus Woodie Flowers has passed away. Flowers will be remembered for (among many other things, like co-founding FIRST) the MIT 2.007 course that he began teaching in the mid-1970s, famous for its student competitions. These competitions got a bunch of well-deserved publicity over the years; here’s one from 1985: And the 2.007 competitions are still going strong—this year’s theme was Moonshot, and you can watch a replay of the event here. [ MIT ] Looks like Aibo is getting wireless integration with Hitachi appliances, which turns out to be pretty cute: What is this magical box where you push a button and 60 seconds later fluffy pancakes come out?! [ Aibo ] LiftTiles are a “modular and reconfigurable room-scale shape display” that can turn your floor and walls into on-demand structures. [ LiftTiles ] Ben Katz, a grad student in MIT’s Biomimetics Robotics Lab, has been working on these beautiful desktop-sized Furuta pendulums: That’s a crowdfunding project I’d pay way too much for. [ Ben Katz ] A clever bit of cable manipulation from MIT, using GelSight tactile sensors. [ Paper ] A useful display of industrial autonomy on ANYmal from the Oxford Robotics Group.
Thanks Maurice!
[ NASA Astrobee ]
[ Paper ] This is pretty cool looking for an autonomous boat, but we’ll see if they can build a real one by 2020 since at the moment it’s just an average rendering. [ ProMare ] I had no idea that asparagus grows like this. But, sure does make it easy for a robot to harvest. [ Inaho ] Skip to 2:30 in this Pepper unboxing video to hear the noise it makes when tickled. [ HIT Lab NZ ]
[ IEEE RAS History ] Here’s a couple of videos from the CMU Robotics Institute archives, showing some of the work that took place over the last few decades. [ CMU RI ] In this episode of the Artificial Intelligence Podcast, Lex Fridman speaks with David Ferrucci from IBM about Watson and (you guessed it) artificial intelligence.
[ AI Podcast ] This week’s CMU RI Seminar is by Pieter Abbeel from UC Berkeley, on “Deep Learning for Robotics.”
[ CMU RI ]
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