#436165 Video Friday: DJI’s Mavic Mini Is ...Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your Automaton bloggers. We’ll also be posting a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months; here’s what we have so far (send us your events!): IROS 2019 – November 4-8, 2019 – MacauLet us know if you have suggestions for next week, and enjoy today’s videos. DJI’s new Mavic Mini looks like a pretty great drone for US $400 ($500 for a combo with more accessories): It’s tiny, flies for 30 minutes, and will do what you need as far as pictures and video (although not a whole lot more). DJI seems to have put a bunch of effort into making the drone 249 grams, 1 gram under what’s required for FAA registration. That means you save $5 and a few minutes of your time, but that does not mean you don’t have to follow the FAA’s rules and regulations governing drone use. [ DJI ] Don’t panic, but Clearpath and HEBI Robotics have armed the Jackal:
[ Clearpath ] Thanks Dave! I’m really not a fan of the people-carrying drones, but heavy lift cargo drones seem like a more okay idea.
[ Volocopter ]
[ Rainbow Robotics ] The DARPA Subterranean Challenge Virtual Tunnel Circuit concluded this week—it was the same idea as the physical challenge that took place in August, just with a lot less IRL dirt. The awards ceremony and team presentations are in this next video, and we’ll have more on this once we get back from IROS. [ DARPA SubT ]
[ NASA ] Happy Halloween from HEBI Robotics! [ HEBI ] Happy Halloween from Soft Robotics! [ Soft Robotics ] Halloween must be really, really confusing for autonomous cars. [ Waymo ]
[ JPL ]
[ BPL ] Misty II is now available to anyone who wants one, and she’s on sale for a mere $2900. [ Misty ]
[ MRS ]
[ RNE ] Thanks Jennifer! I sometimes get the sense that in the robotic grasping and manipulation world, suction cups are kinda seen as cheating at times. But, their nature allows you to do some pretty interesting things. More clever octopus footage please. [ CMU ]
As we point out pretty much every time we post a video like this, keep in mind that you’re seeing a heavily edited version of a hypothetical best case scenario for how this robot can function. And things like "creating a relationship that they can then learn how to form with their peers" is almost certainly overselling things. But at $300 (shipping included), this may be a decent robot as long as your expectations are appropriately calibrated. [ Miko ] ICRA 2018 plenary talk by Rodney Brooks: “Robots and People: the Research Challenge.” [ IEEE RAS ] ICRA-X 2018 talk by Ron Arkin: “Lethal Autonomous Robots and the Plight of the Noncombatant.” [ IEEE RAS ] On the most recent episode of the AI Podcast, Lex Fridman interviews Garry Kasparov. [ AI Podcast ]
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