#438747 The appearance of robots affects our ...'Moralities of Intelligent Machines' is a project that investigates people's attitudes towards moral choices made by artificial intelligence. In the latest study completed under the project, study participants read short narratives where either a robot, a somewhat humanoid robot known as iRobot, a robot with a strong humanoid appearance called iClooney or a human being encounters a moral problem along the lines of the trolley dilemma, making a specific decision. The participants were also shown images of these agents, […] Continue Reading…
Posted in Human Robots
#437199 Improving RobotsUniversity of Cambridge scientists are attempting to teach robots how to do things that we find easy, but they struggle with.
Posted in Human Robots
#437193 TyroBot: DIY Humanoid Robot“TyroBot” is a novice-friendly (but high-tech) 3D-printable open source kit that can be assembled in a few hours, and is very easy to program. It’s great way to teach yourself robotics and programming! Read more, or back them on Kickstarter.
Posted in Human Robots