#439794 Video Friday: Mini PupperVideo Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We'll also be posting a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months; here's what we have so far (send us your events!):IROS 2021 – September 27-1, 2021 – [Online Event]Robo Boston – October 1-2, 2021 – Boston, MA, USAWearRAcon Europe 2021 – October 5-7, 2021 – [Online Event]ROSCon 2021 – October 20-21, 2021 – [Online Event]Let us […] Continue Reading…
Posted in Human Robots
#439787 An Inconvenient Truth About AIWe are well into the third wave of major investment in artificial intelligence. So it's a fine time to take a historical perspective on the current success of AI. In the 1960s, the early AI researchers often breathlessly predicted that human-level intelligent machines were only 10 years away. That form of AI was based on logical reasoning with symbols, and was carried out with what today seem like ludicrously slow digital computers. Those same researchers considered and rejected neural […] Continue Reading…
Posted in Human Robots
#439783 This Google-Funded Project Is Tracking ...It’s crunch time on climate change. The IPCC’s latest report told the world just how bad it is, and…it’s bad. Companies, NGOs, and governments are scrambling for fixes, both short-term and long-term, from banning sale of combustion-engine vehicles to pouring money into hydrogen to building direct air capture plants. And one initiative, launched last week, is taking an “if you can name it, you can tame it” approach by creating an independent database that measures and tracks emissions all […] Continue Reading…
Posted in Human Robots
#439773 How the U.S. Army Is Turning Robots Into ...This article is part of our special report on AI, “The Great AI Reckoning.” "I should probably not be standing this close," I think to myself, as the robot slowly approaches a large tree branch on the floor in front of me. It's not the size of the branch that makes me nervous—it's that the robot is operating autonomously, and that while I know what it's supposed to do, I'm not entirely sure what it will do. If everything works […] Continue Reading…
Posted in Human Robots