#438553 New Drone Software Handles Motor ...

Good as some drones are becoming at obstacle avoidance, accidents do still happen. And as far as robots go, drones are very much on the fragile side of things. Any sort of significant contact between a drone and almost anything else usually results in a catastrophic, out-of-control spin followed by a death plunge to the ground. Bad times. Bad, expensive times.
A few years ago, we saw some interesting research into software that can keep the most common […] Continue Reading…

Posted in Human Robots

#438506 How humans can build better teamwork ...

As human interaction with robots and artificial intelligence increases exponentially in areas like healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, space exploration, defense technologies, information about how humans and autonomous systems work within teams remains scarce.[Read more…]

Posted in Human Robots

#438447 How to get close to a robot, or not

In some countries, like Japan (with a fast-aging population, and not enough young productive people), they want to rely for a large part on robots. Other people believe robots will steal our jobs. What do you think!

Posted in Human Robots

#438449 Paula’s DIY Humanoid Robot Project

Paula Petcu (check out all her videos) showcases the progress (in June 2020) of her Humanoid, and its already very amazing!

Posted in Human Robots

#436760 Intelligent Humanoid Service Robot

UBTECH Robotics has created Walker, a humanoid service robot with a full range of sensors including force, vision, audio, and spatial perception.

Posted in Human Robots