#439479 Video Friday: Spot Meets BTSVideo Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your Automaton bloggers. We’ll also be posting a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months; here's what we have so far (send us your events!): RSS 2021 – July 12-16, 2021 – [Online Event]Humanoids 2020 – July 19-21, 2021 – [Online Event]RO-MAN 2021 – August 8-12, 2021 – [Online Event]DARPA SubT Finals – September 21-23, 2021 – Louisville, KY, USAWeRobot 2021 – September 23-25, 2021 – Coral Gables, FL, USAIROS 2021 – September 27-1, 2021 – [Online Event]ROSCon 2021 – October 21-23, 2021 – New Orleans, LA, USALet us know if you have suggestions for next week, and enjoy today's videos. I will never understand why video editors persist in adding extra noise to footage of actual robots that makes them sound like they are badly designed and/or are broken.
11 million people now think that's what Spot actually sounds like. [ Hyundai ] For one brief exciting moment this looks like a Spot with five arms.
[ Boston Dynamics ]
[ Baidu ]
[ RPG ] Jump navigation for Mini Cheetah from UC Berkeley.
[ UC Berkeley ]
[ NASA ] I am like 95% sure that Heineken's cooler robot is mostly just a cut down Segway Ninebot.
[ Heineken ] Wing has a new airspace safety and authorization app called OpenSky. It is not good in the same way that all of these airspace safety and authorization apps are not good: they only provide airspace information, and do not provide any guidance on other regulations that may impact your ability to fly a drone, while simultaneously making explicit suggestions about how all you need to fly is a green checkmark in the app, which is a lie.
At least it's free, I guess. [ OpenSky ] Interesting approach to conveyors from Berkshire Grey.
Where do I get one of them flower cows? [ OpenSky ] The idea behind RoboCup has always been to challenge humans at some point, and one of the first steps towards that is being able to recognize humans and what they're doing on the field.
Sawyer is still very much around, but very much in Germany.
[ Rethink Robotics ]
[ Volocopter ]
In this clip, our engineer is controlling the robot hands from a distance to plug in and take out a USB from its port. How much extra for a robotic system that can insert a USB plug the correct way every time? [ Shadow ]
[ Fraunhofer ] Thanks, Jennifer!
[ Paper ]
[ WIE ]
[ Paper ]
[ CMU ] Thanks, Fan!
[ Pieter Abbeel ] In this Weekly Robotics Meetup, Achille Verheye explains how he stumbled upon a very niche class of robots called cuspidal robots, capable of making singularity-avoiding moves while creating motion planning algorithms.
[ Weekly Robotics ] Thanks, Mat! |
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