#439820 How Musicologists and Scientists Used AI ...When Ludwig van Beethoven died in 1827, he was three years removed from the completion of his Ninth Symphony, a work heralded by many as his magnum opus. He had started work on his 10th Symphony but, due to deteriorating health, wasn’t able to make much headway: All he left behind were some musical sketches.
Posted in Human Robots
#439816 This Bipedal Drone Robot Can Walk, Fly, ...Most animals are limited to either walking, flying, or swimming, with a handful of lucky species whose physiology allows them to cross over. A new robot took inspiration from them, and can fly like a bird just as well as it can walk like a (weirdly awkward, metallic, tiny) person. It also happens to be able to skateboard and slackline, two skills most humans will never pick up.
Posted in Human Robots
#439815 How to Prepare Your Workforce for AI ...Image by John Conde from Pixabay Despite a myriad of articles, research papers, and conversations regarding artificial intelligence and machine learning development, the predictions about its impact range significantly. The absolute majority agrees that AI is one of the keys to digital transformation and that it will change the business and job market forever. However, it’s …
Posted in Human Robots
#439804 How Quantum Computers Can Be Used to ...Using computer simulations to design new chips played a crucial role in the rapid improvements in processor performance we’ve experienced in recent decades. Now Chinese researchers have extended the approach to the quantum world.
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