Tag Archives: humanoid robot

#431160 Life-Size Humanoid Robot Is Designed to ...

Why try to develop a humanoid robot that doesn't fall over when you can instead just develop an armored one that can fall over and get up again? Continue reading

Posted in Human Robots

#431045 Jet-Powered iCub Could Be the First ...

Italian researchers are developing a control system that they hope will allow an iCub humanoid robot to hover on four jet thrusters Continue reading

Posted in Human Robots

#430283 A glimpse into the science of Humanoid ...

Interesting documentary about the existing science and future of humanoids and human-like robots, both in peace-time and military applications, as well as industrial use and various art forms – even new sports!

Posted in Human Robots

#430172 Affordable Italian robot maid

Trust the Italians to design a robot maid with flair! R1 aims to be a service humanoid to help the disabled, frail and elderly around the house – kinda like Rosie from the Jetsons…

Posted in Human Robots

#429571 “Handle”, Google’s ...

Boston Dynamics, owned by Google, recently unveiled its latest robot, “Handle”. Scary or not? Judge for yourself!

Posted in Human Robots