Tag Archives: future
#429980 Artificial Intelligence? What about Real ...
Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, creator of “Erica” – one of the most complex humanoid robots yet – thinks that desire and intention are the key prerequisites to humanizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the next 3 years. This entails the application of … Continue reading
#428603 A new standard in robotics
On the wall of Aaron Dollar's office is a poster for R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots), the 1920 Czech play that gave us the word "robot." The story ends with the nominal robots seizing control of the factory of their origin and then wiping out nearly all of humanity. Dollar, fortunately, has something more cheerful in mind for the future of human-robot relations. Continue reading
#428153 Soon We’ll All Love Robots the Way ...
Here is my hypothesis: Japan has a long ongoing love affair with humanoid robots. The love seems so strong that they are willing to accept faults and imperfections that to others make the robots seem eerie, if not downright creepy. Your first reaction to that may well be "so what?" I would argue that Japan’s love affair with "creepy" robots shows a glimpse of the future — not just for Japan, but likely for the world at… read more Continue reading